cik lesung~

Thursday, May 24, 2012


A love letter from a Muslim man to the girl he loves.

“If you love me, don’t confess your love to me, this won’t please me and will keep me away! love words don’t attract me. If you love me, wait for me and I will knock on your door in the right time. Don’t give me privileges which I don’t deserve. Keep me away from you, and I will approach you. If you approach me, I will stay away from you. Don’t love me, for I want you ignorant in love. I want to teach you love when the right time come and you will be my Halal, only when we are joined together under our Creator’s satisfaction.

Don’t tell me what you feel, don’t give me from your time, don’t push me to lose you. I am a man who won’t accept to see the one he loves committing sins or to live a forbidden love behind the back of her family. I don’t want her to feel guilty and don’t want her heart to suffer.

Put limits to me that I won’t cross, kill me inside you so I won’t grow to kill you. Preserve what is beautiful inside you. I want you innocent, chaste, pure. I want you dear, not easy. And then, Only then, I will face everything and will be ready to go through difficulties to get you

How could I be a faithful man to you when I try to break your chastity? How would I be faithful to you if I push you to betray your family? How could I trust a love which grew under Allah’s wrath ? To love you means to protect you, to preserve you not to kill what is beautiful in you.

Don’t be easy because then, I may not value you. Don’t love me now, so I won’t hate you! My heart wants you and doesn’t want to lose you. I don’t want you to be just a passing fancy to me, I want you a wife, a lover, the mother of my children, I want you to be the one I will spend my whole life with.”

mencarikonklusi ~ oyeah. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Beberapa hari lepas aku mengalami konflik hati. Dah lama betul tak alami. Dah memang tahap tak boleh study. Padahal tengah study week. Dan, dalam waktu ni juga, time aku tengah struggle gila nak try juga study, aku teringat satu ayat ni. Tiba ja mulut aku teralunkan ayat ni. Ayat ni aku hafal waktu darjah lima dulu. Terus aku cari tafsir.

بَلِ اللّهُ مَوْلاَكُمْ وَهُوَ خَيْرُ النَّاصِرِينَ ﴿١٥٠

150. Tetapi (ikutilah Allah), Allahlah Pelindungmu, dan Dia-lah sebaik-baik Penolong.

 Surah Al-Imran, ayat 150.
Maksud dia memang betul-betul kena batang hidung aku. Memang sharp. 
Aku lega gila. Allah ni, kalau Dia nak bagi petunjuk, dalam apa cara pun boleh. Ikut suka Dia lah nak bagi cara mimpi ke, cara bacaan dalam buku ke, terkeluar sendiri dari mulut macam aku ke. 

Lepas aku dapat hint tu, main blue clues la aku. Rupa-rupanya Allah ni nak dengar rintihan aku untuk minta pertolongan Dia rupanya.

Subuhnya, aku buat solat sunat hajat dan Alhamdulillah! Malam tu juga konflik hati aku tu hilang macam tu ja. Macam tak ada apa benda jadi pun. Serius, rasa tenang gila. 

mencarikonklusi ~ Aku yakin dengan pilihan Mu. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

terima kasih.

Tahun ni awal betul aku dapat hadiah hari lahir. Padahal lagi sebulan lebih. Terima kasih kepada anda FI. Ya. Anda tahu siapa anda. Terharu dan terkejut. hehe

Note dekat atas tu tak tahan. "Buka pada 9 Jun 2012".

Bab-bab hadiah ni aku gelojoh sikit. Fuh. Sabar.

mencarikonklusi ~ Terima kasih sahabat. Allah saja mampu balas. Semoga dirahmati Allah selalu. ;)